Monday, May 3, 2010

finished or not?

i need help....on a rainy Sunday i was thinking about artists, how they came to mind i do not know. but that's not my point i started writing a free verse poem...i suppose you would call it's not my best, but i have no idea if I'm finished with it, i have the feeling its incomplete but maybe thtthe way it was ment to be.....please tell me what you think...

Life is an empty canvas
We may do as we please with it
We could make it colorful full of happiness and love
or we can make it black and white with mystery and suspicion
or we may use a single color therefore showing a simply boring plain routine life
or leave it blank, decide not to pursue, sit in a chair in an empty room watching as other peoples lives proceed and progress while yours simply stays frozen in the same frame as always
Your life is an empty canvas
you may do as you please with it
with beautiful soft brushstrokes with colors full of love, romance, joy and happiness
or harsh quick brushstrokes full of anger, greed, lust and hate
or leave it a mystery
a void of your existence
not remembered by a single soul


  1. brycie, i loved this visual treat!! when we talked about the 'frame' i had no idea how you might incorporate it. i've gotta tell you that after reading this peice you've written...i believe that you've found the perfect place to land :)

  2. what smart and wise ideas!
    your writing is very fresh
    and enjoyable!

  3. welcome to the blogosphere...i am a big fan of free verse...good job with the poem...keep at this and i imagine you will paint it vibrantly...

  4. Welcome to Blogville! It's a great place to will love it here for sure Brycie!
    I loved your free's sounds complete to me.
    I am stunned that you are only 15 because your words sound so wise! I look forward to reading more of your work!

  5. That is fantastic! I'm excited to read more of your freestyle. Welcome to blog world :)

  6. excuse me girly, but you've got lots of talent. you were deep, but understood. hope you enjoy blogging as much as your fans will enjoy reading it!

  7. Hey Brycie Girl. love your writing...

  8. It is wonderful just as it is... complete in its message. Only you can say if it's finished or not. You have great insight and talent.

    I'm glad your G'ma told us about you!
