Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What to do, what to do? What do you do when your faced with a situation that is something you know you have no power over? When you want to make things all better but there's no possible way you can. It's like superman with his kryptonite....except i can't fly or do anything amazing or worthwhile. It's kind of like facing your fears when you know other people wont see it as a big deal. but to you the world is crumbling all around you, everything falling into a dark state that makes you wonder what am i suppose to do? how am i gunna fix this disaster? When all of your insides are screaming HELP! and on the outside you act like every things fine, you have a smile on your face and never let it fall into a simple little frown. Because then you are showing your weaknesses, you have to be strong. That's is a Lady's job you hold it in and act like every things great.....well I'm young should i do the same? am i suppose to be in visioned as a lady holding in her feelings until she is alone, in a quiet peaceful place, where it is alright to allow the warm salty tears fall from eyes to the ground beneath my feet? oh my what to do, what to do?


  1. Well you may not have super human powers in the way Superman does Brycie but to say you have nothing worthwhile...this I don't believe.
    I am not a councellor & this is only my opinion but I would let the salt water run free. Don't hold it in & find someone (as special someone, like your grandmother) to share these thoughts & feelings with. She may even want to have a cry with you! Because a problem shared is a problem halved & your grandmother has walked these roads before & knows a thing or two about life!! Place your trust in someone you love...don't carry it all alone!!

  2. try your best to handle it,
    let go if you must...Good Luck!

  3. It's ok to let the tears flow. I'm with Katherine don't hold it in, your grandmother is a fountain of knowledge and experience...use her

    Good luck, and I loved your poem.

  4. from years of trying to push that ball up the hill...you can not hols it in...you need and outlet...you will never hold it together all the time...it slips through your fingers...and there are things you can not chnage, but there are things that you can. never give up trying...

  5. Dearest Byrce, Beloved one of God.
    The one who loves you (Jesus) is always with you. You are never alone.
    When I was young like you are now I wanted life my way. Many tried to advice me otherwise but I wouldn't listen. I loved someone and married him. After 3oyrs of hurt and abuse I finally realised my mistake..
    So what I am saying is this. You are not alone. What you are going through and how you are feeling is normal. Cry, punch your pillow!!
    And its also okay to confide in someone you know you can trust, an older woman.
    Believe me, you will look at women in the street and never know their stories, if you did, you may be surprised.
    So talk and share... you are beloved of God and He walkes beside you. Hugs ooo

  6. good advice from those above, i would add just relax also and try to put a lot of it in our great redemer's hands>>>your grandma says you are the apple of her eye, i am sure glad you are not the watermellon of her eye...that would be a tough fit

  7. it makes me cry just to think of you not doing so well. when i look at your 'outsides', i see your beauty, your humor, your passionate way of meeting life head on...it hurts to know that you aren't doing quite as well as is portrayed :( for the most part, i don't think any of us skate smoothly through our lives!
    there are vicious lies going around that tell women (young and old) to put their 'big girl panties' on and to just get over it...to suck it up, to show no weakness, to let nothing get to you. how utterly ridiculous!
    i will bet you that any of us who have made it through everything from pimples to near-suicides would tell you that they could not have made it if it weren't for having a friend. not just someone to hang out with but someone who sees your value, someone who will let you pour your heart out and not change their idea of how much they love and care for you after you've become vulnerable with them. someone who isn't there to fix your problems but to listen while you lay them out on the table and sort them out yourself. someone who won't take your anger personally. someone who might need you to be there for them as well. we are all so fragile inside our big girl panties, doing our best to get through, but the ones who get through it wholly are the ones who will reach out for a friend...those who go it alone are, well, alone.

  8. I come by your blog through your gracious grandmother Sheri, who is a blog friend. We write to express ourselves and share our thoughts and feelings -- and found we are not alone -- others feel the same way , they care, they have walked through some of what you are going through that helplessness feeling that dark night of the soul, but dear one take heart this too shall pass, for everything has its day and its night. Let the tears flow -- it is the lady like thing to do -- holding it and having it build up will only hurt you in the end. Let it flow -- We are human and the best part of being human is our emotions our feelings -- and learning how to have compassion and trust for ourselves and others in this world.
    You may not have read this author -- but I will leave you with a quote from him
    Joy and sorrow are inseparable...together they come, and when one sits alone with you...remember that the other is asleep upon your bed-- Kahlil Gibran


  9. http://itistimetothinkformyself.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-birthday-christina.html

    I know you may have noticed it,
    in case you need anything from there,
    please feel free to take them.
    Happy mother's Day to Your Mom!
    Please visit me for the awards,
    give some to your mom for gifts...
