Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is this thing you call love?

what is this thing you call love?
you tell me it every night before i go to sleep, yet i never reply
you tell me three simple words tht are confusing to my young mind
you let these words slip past your they mean nothing
they are important
it is not something you use loosley or in a daily conversation
dont you understand that?
i do, that is why i do not reply to you when you say i love you
i honestly could not explain the meaning of these words
the thing people symbolize with a heart.....
so please explain to me
why you say these words to me?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today was a good day. Thank you everyone on your ideas and help with my situation. i really appreciated it(:

i have a question though...what exactly is love, i know you cant pin point an exact definition but i would like some help with that, because so many people now a days use the word love so loosely...and its not ment for that it's ment for one special person, who is always there with you when you need them(I'm not counting family or friend love).

oh and whats the difference between luv and love? apperently it's not just the spelling.

oh and one last thing....Wish me luck i have to go on stage and sing&&&dance tomoro :$ im kinda nervous


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What to do, what to do? What do you do when your faced with a situation that is something you know you have no power over? When you want to make things all better but there's no possible way you can. It's like superman with his kryptonite....except i can't fly or do anything amazing or worthwhile. It's kind of like facing your fears when you know other people wont see it as a big deal. but to you the world is crumbling all around you, everything falling into a dark state that makes you wonder what am i suppose to do? how am i gunna fix this disaster? When all of your insides are screaming HELP! and on the outside you act like every things fine, you have a smile on your face and never let it fall into a simple little frown. Because then you are showing your weaknesses, you have to be strong. That's is a Lady's job you hold it in and act like every things great.....well I'm young should i do the same? am i suppose to be in visioned as a lady holding in her feelings until she is alone, in a quiet peaceful place, where it is alright to allow the warm salty tears fall from eyes to the ground beneath my feet? oh my what to do, what to do?

Monday, May 3, 2010

finished or not?

i need help....on a rainy Sunday i was thinking about artists, how they came to mind i do not know. but that's not my point i started writing a free verse poem...i suppose you would call it's not my best, but i have no idea if I'm finished with it, i have the feeling its incomplete but maybe thtthe way it was ment to be.....please tell me what you think...

Life is an empty canvas
We may do as we please with it
We could make it colorful full of happiness and love
or we can make it black and white with mystery and suspicion
or we may use a single color therefore showing a simply boring plain routine life
or leave it blank, decide not to pursue, sit in a chair in an empty room watching as other peoples lives proceed and progress while yours simply stays frozen in the same frame as always
Your life is an empty canvas
you may do as you please with it
with beautiful soft brushstrokes with colors full of love, romance, joy and happiness
or harsh quick brushstrokes full of anger, greed, lust and hate
or leave it a mystery
a void of your existence
not remembered by a single soul

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
or fester like a sore--
and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
-Langston Hughes

This is one of my all time favorite poems. It helps me remember that i should follow my dreams and not to wait for their pursuit or push them aside.
I remember the first time i read it. i couldn't just read it once i read it over and over again. i fell in love with every letter written on the was like a drew me in. i sat repeating the words over and over again in my head, wishing i was as talented as this man to come up with such a marvelous piece of art, with such a simple thing as words.