Monday, May 3, 2010

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
or fester like a sore--
and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
-Langston Hughes

This is one of my all time favorite poems. It helps me remember that i should follow my dreams and not to wait for their pursuit or push them aside.
I remember the first time i read it. i couldn't just read it once i read it over and over again. i fell in love with every letter written on the was like a drew me in. i sat repeating the words over and over again in my head, wishing i was as talented as this man to come up with such a marvelous piece of art, with such a simple thing as words.


  1. brycie girl, this is a beautiful work and it doesn't surprise me at all that it's one of your favorites. you have a depth that i enjoy so are, and will always be, my favorite granddaughter ;)

  2. a beautiful poem by Langston Hughes,
    loved it.
    thanks for sharing!
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Wow is so refreshing to read & hear your thoughts ... they mirror my thoughts when I was the tender age of 15. There is one piece of advice I would like to give you as a 42 year old, is to keep a journal & record everything, it helps you to recall things that somehow fade in clarity as the years pass on by. It would be one of the greatest presents you could give yourself.

  4. I love that poem! I've never read it before. I thought at first that you had written it. I was impressed! I'm still impressed. You, too, have a way with words.

  5. Welcome to the blogosphere! Hope you are gonna stay with us for a loooong time. That's one beautiful poem up there. I never read it before so thanks for introducing e to it and to yourself :)

  6. I love this poem too. I think it's so important to keep close to you all the art you love. Because it tells you scads about yourself, and eventually you develop your own original voice.

    I hope you keep blogging!

  7. Oops! didn't mean to double post!
